On the Conditions and Possibilities of Helen Clark Taking me as her Young Lover, by Richard Meros

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On the Conditions and Possibilities of Helen Clark Taking me as her Young Lover, by Richard Meros

"The decade's runaway underground publishing hit" - David Cohen, NZ Listener.
"Best avoided by the squeamish." —The Guardian

"It's an odd book... its a really odd book and its a mix of cod-philosophy and ladish musings. Machiavelli meets Nabakov meets Philip Roth. I don't know." —Kim Hill, Nine to Noon, Radio New Zealand

"Apparently Piggy Muldoon never inspired similar sentiments." —Carbone and Money, The Age

"Nothing if not thorough" —Sam Finnemore, NZ Listener

Book details

ISBN: 978-0-473-10248-7
Release date: June 2005